Detailed Coin Information:
- Name: MazaCoin
- Symbol: MZC
- Algorithm: SHA256 POW
- Block time: 2 minutes
- Reward Value: Currently 1,000
- Halving: every 950,000 blocks
- Total supply: 2.4192 billion in approx 18 years
- P2P Port: 12835
- RPC Port: 12832
Coin's Website:
Active Pool Comparison
All testing performed with Antminer S4 @ 2.18 TH/s (218Mhz) and my conclusion is that there is a great variation in pool speed and surprisingly solo mining this coin was not cost effective, the diffulty was just great enough that pooling is required even for 2 TH/s. And since the coin is worth 0.00000131/BTC at the moment you technically turn a profit over energy cost, as long as your miner is .75W/GH or better in efficiency that is. If the coin grows in popularity so will the profit, this one looks promising!
#1 CryptoADHD
- Pool Hashrate: 10 TH/s
- My Hashrate: 1.8 TH/s Average
- My 24 Hour Earnings: 21,505 MZC (estimated was 20,000-28,000 MZC)
- Fees: 1%
- Average Round Duration: 15 Minutes
- Reward Method: PPLNS
- My Thoughts: This pool takes a long time to adjust to your hash-rate, my miner was stuck working on difficulty 32 for nearly an hour before finally getting 2.05k (which is still low) once that happened my hash-rate when from 1.5 TH/s to over 2 TH/s and was finally reporting correctly on the dashboard. But I still had a large amount of invalids, it went up to 5% actually, and that was almost all the invalids for the entire pool and making my hash-rate lower than other MZC pools. But since it finds so many blocks compared to other pools it is still more profitable, just as long as there's no downtime or connections issues, but I had periods where it didn't submit work or all the work was stale. All in all I profited from this pool even with the weak exchange, and earned almost as much as BTC mining, so it's definately the winner!
#2 HamsterPool
- Pool Hashrate: 3TH/s (mine being more than 2TH/s of that)
- My Hashrate: 2.2 TH/s Average (4 TH/s Burst)
- My 24 Hour Earnings: 12,208 MZC
- Fees: 1.5%
- Average Round Duration: 2 Hours
- Reward Method: PPLNS
- My Thoughts: It suggested I would make 12,000 coins a day and it was dead on. This pool had very little fluctuation and was quite stable. Probably the best pool for this coin but not enough users and unfortunately the coin needs to double in value before it is actually profitable with such a low hashrate. I found 12/13 blocks myself. I could only imaging how well this pool can do with some real effort behind it!
#3 Ispace Pool:
- Pool Hashrate: 10 TH/s - 75TH/s (Ispace is a multipool site and has massively fluctuating hash-rates, you can choose to stay on a specific pool though)
- My Hashrate: 2.1TH/s on average (4 TH/s Burst)
- My 24 Hour Earnings: 12,555 MZC (was more than double that when pool was at 75TH/s)
- Fees: 0%
- Average Round Duration: 20 minutes
- Reward Method: PROP
- My thoughts: All your hard work get's killed when one of their multi-pools comes around, since it's proportional it's really hard to earn coins unless you follow the multi-pools, and it still seems like less than if I just chose a coin on another dedicated pool.
#4 Secure Payments.cc Solo Mining
- Pool Hashrate: This is not technically a pool, but it does function in the same manor, as in there are numerous people connected working to solve a block, but the one who finds it get's 97% of the reward. Currently there was only 3 TH/s and that was nearly 75% my antminer s4.
- My Hashrate: 2.2 TH/s Average (4 TH/s burst)
- My 24 Hour Earnings: 1,900 MZC (2 blocks found - pool cost)
- Fees: 5%
- Average round duration: 12 hours.
- Reward Method: 95% of the block reward to the finder.
- My thoughts: This coin doesn't seem to be profitable for solo mining especially at today's market, or maybe this "pool" is majorly unlucky on this coin. I have had great success with other solo runs on their site. What makes less sense is that I had the same pool hash-rate on Hamsterpool and I was finding a block every other hour. But that's just the way the ball bounces sometimes.
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