All testing performed by Antminer S4 @ 2.18 TH/s (218 MHZ) and my conclusion is that all of their pools have the same flaw, they just don't profit you in the end. Now you might think that is because of the fluctuating cost of the coins but it's not. You generally get a lower hash-rate here compared to any other pool to begin with, but on top of that, your scoring/prop hashrate is lowered even further by your own pool switching too fast or the other pools running into each-other and causing massive difficulty variances in the network, the bulk of the altcoins are set up so that pool hopping doesn't benefit anyone! You will make more coin by solo mining each one individually, or just by mining BTC and trading for the coin of your choice, than you will ever make on any of their multi-pools at iSpace. I do believe their poor tactics in pool switching and lack of properly informing their users on pool choices is the major reason the alt-coin market is so poor and unstable. Excluding PPC nearly the entire network force behind all the various altcoins is held up in iSpace pool 1, the coin-wars profitability pool, that is beyond too much power for an automatic switching pool based on a faulty calculation to have! You are literally handing the keys over to wallstreet! Yet you wonder why ALL the stocks have crashed!?
If I was forced to use iSpace multi-pool in some bizarro universe as my only source of mining cryptocurrency, these would be my choices and in order or best use:
#1 Pool 5: The "Five" Pool
"This pool rotates on an 2-hourly basis through 5 coins chosen by us. Our current choices are Acoin, Unobtanium, TerraCoin, eMark and TitCoin." -iSpace- Pool Hashrate: 6-10 TH/s
- My Hashrate: 1-3 TH/s
- 24 Hour Earnings: 105 DEM; 37 Acoin; 62 TRC; 472 TIT; 0.18 UNO
- Fees: 0%
- Reward Method: PROP
- My Thoughts: This option is definitely better than profitability pool, and probably the best overall option due to the proper time frame for the coin switch, plus it doesn't run you into basically dead coins like some of the other pools do. Still wish it was 6 coins so there was a full day, but that's another story. Now it does contain the same coins the profitability pool runs into on a haphazard basis as it usually has coins that have been popular recently or have a decent 14 day average. The coins in this pool usually have less difficulty so mining is good but when the pools overlap it can make you earn dramatically less as the difficulty skyrockets while the variance adapts on their pool and network depending on the coin I wish this pool had the largest following, it would help maintain a healthier exchange rate for the market too!! Letting the market dictate what coin to mine is exactly why we have such a poor altoin market!! We need to control the market, not let the market control us!!
#2 Pool 2: Lowest Difficulty Pool
"This pool monitors the difficulty settings of our coins and always mines the pool with the lowest value. Difficulty values are checked at 15 minute intervals." -iSpace- Pool Hashrate: 6-10 TH/s
- My Hashrate: 1-3 TH/s
- 24 Hour Earnings: 4,861 ASC; 1,510 BDSM; 13,146 BRM, 92,775 CTM; 117 FETISH; .02 VIK
- Fees: 0%
- Reward Method: PROP
- My Thoughts: If you actually plan on making money from altcoins you need one thing, coins, and this is the way to get them in mass if you plan on mining them directly rather than trading. Of course earning money on them is based on hope in future market growth. But that's the name of the game. And too bad for us they still have pools set up for coins which are completely dead, like CTM (Continuum Coin), got ~100k coins of worthlessness! There is no exchange, all the sites are dead, developers have left the building! (I later found allcrypt had it listed on the doge market, with no-one buying and an exchange of basically 0 BTC, 100k CTM = 2 doge = 0.00000120 BTC) And BRM is only on one exchange, an exchange that doesn't even have a matching security certificate, so no thank you! iSpace strikes again..
#3 Pool 3: Rotation Pool
"This pool simply rotates through all of our available pools on an hourly basis." -iSpace- Pool Hashrate: 2-4 TH/s
- My Hashrate: 1-3 TH/s
- 30 Hour Earnings: 9 Acoin; 3,985 ASC; 320 BET; 301,246 NBE; 8,799 BRM; 69 CCC; 12,259 CTM; 17 CURE; 2.5 DEM; 1,833 DGB; 5,310 FFC; .0007 GHC; 37 HAM; 287 XJO; 350 MZC; 12,937 MEC; 621 MYR; 314 OSC; 102 ORO; 330 XPD; 4.5 SFR; 11,612 TAK; 18.5 TEK; 626 TGC; 104 TIT; .035 UNO; .13 VIK; 13 WNK; 25 ZET
- Fees: 0%
- Reward Method: PROP
- My Thoughts: There's nothing special to this, but it can be a great way just to stockpile every coin they mine. Unfortunately they messed this up too! It skips several coins for some unknown reason, beside Bitcoin it skipped AmKoin, AurumCoin, BDSM, CrownCoin, Freicoin, FetishCoin, Peercoin, NEOS, St Louis Coin, TerraCoin, and Unbreakable. But besides the programmers incompetence at providing what he advertises, it's rotation period is long enough that you will actually get the most from each one. It goes through each coin in alphabetical order based on coin symbol, it can look like it's jumping around at time because of that. Of course you could just do it individually/manually for a day at a time and get even better results. But it's a nice lazy-man's option. Unfortunately several coins on his pool list are completely worthless and never will be worth anything again as the projects have been abandoned by developers.
#4 Pool 1: CoinWarz Profitibility Pool
"This pool monitors the CoinWarz website every 3 minutes and looks to switch to the most profitable pool at any given time providing the current exchange rate exceeds 0.0000001 BTC. SHA256 pools exclude Bitcoin and PeerCoin." -iSpace- Pool Hashrate: 40-85 TH/s
- My Hashrate: 1-3 TH/s
- 24 Hour Earnings: 96 DEM; 781 HAM; 396 MZC; 144 NEOS; 295 OSC; 193 TIT; 49 WNK (Totaling 0.01366595 BTC at the current exchange rate)
- Fees: 0%
- Reward Method: PROP
- My Thoughts: Complete BS and a waste of time, the biggest issue with this pool is it's main function, it pulls stats from Coin-Wars and they suggest completely off the wall figures for mining capability. Generally stating you can mine 2-10 times as much as you actually can (Besides BTC and Peercoin, the two coins iSpace excludes from their switching, coin-wars is usually very accurate with those two coins since they have a somewhat stable market and network). Their figures are based on trade volume and price compared to BTC, they don't actually factor fluctuating difficulty into this and that causes drastically lower than advertised results. So basing a pool entirely off of this type of feature is ludicrous! The worst pool option they have yet it's their busiest pool none the less. On top of that, the fact the pool can switch coins every 3 minutes based on those results is insane! So for the first several minutes you have a bad scoring hash-rate and just when you're about to get a good rate to start earning coins the pool switches and the cycle repeats. If they set this to something like 15 minutes it would be a different story. The winner from this pool is clearly iSpace. This pool with up to 100 TH/s is LEADING cause the altoin market is so fickle! Don't let the market control you! You should control the market!!
#5 Pool 4: Newest Pool
"This pool mines our latest SHA256 coin pools, rotating every 2 hours. These are currently "NeosCoin, BDSM, Fetish, CrownCoin and GamerHolicCoin."" -iSpace- Pool Hashrate: 4-7 TH/s
- My Hashrate:1-3 TH/s
- 24 Hour Earnings: 437 GHC
- Fees: 0%
- Reward Method: PROP
- My Thoughts: Once again, a much better time frame for switching, unfortunately it didn't actually switch, it stuck on GamerHolicCoin the ENTIRE DAY! And is actually still is on GHC days later, never having switched. But even if it did work properly at 2 hours each I wish they would have made it 6 coins so it's a full day, so each coin mines twice per day. And rather than just new coins to the iSpace network I wish it was the newest coins period, that's where the most money can be made, before a coin get's popular to begin with / right off the opening announcement. But I do get their point, if they added it, it probably was for a good reason, or high requests from users. But it's actually broken, and thus, the only option worse than pool 1..
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